Surely You Can't Be Serious Podcast

Macho Effort DD v. SNF

Dee and Jason,

Just when I thought an idea couldn’t be any dumber, you go and do something like this … and totally redeem yourself!

Loved the back stories on the movies, and the timing with Jennifer Grey’s memoir (Jason - it’s French, pronounced mim-wah) was uncanny. Learned a ton for sure. As a hair band fan of the 80’s, I gulp hard before admitting that I both owned that cassette tape and loved it. I can still sing every word on the album and was ready to spike the football declaring that one the winner.

But, I stuck around for the finale. Why? Well, it should be obvious, I carried a watermelon! I was listening while running, and by the fifth song, I physically shrugged mid-stride and audibly exclaimed, “you’ve gotta be kidding me!” This album just kept providing hit songs, and they are songs that have stood the test of time, which is hard to do with disco. I’m not sure if the end of episode four caused me to have a Night Fever because of running in 90 degree temperatures or the quality of both the album and the deep nuggets you guys were digging for 🤔. I have to think it was the latter. I still watch Dirty Dancing when it’s on, but now I’m going to have to check out the full Saturday Night Fever album. Great work guys!!

May 15, 2022 by Sooner D on Apple Podcasts

Surely You Can't Be Serious Podcast

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